Sunday, May 5, 2013


Condition of the mother during pregnancy is very risky. The mother must be very clever in choosing foods that will be eaten, and if one could be bad for the fetus. Pregnant women are often advised to consume enough nutrients for both mother and fetus. Every day, pregnant women need an extra 300 calories than women who are not pregnant. It is recommended not that the quantity of food, but rather prioritize the nutritional content of foods, the important addition to a healthy diet during pregnancy. This is because the main source of nutrients consumed 100% fetal derived from food eaten his mother. Nutrient in take that must be met include foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals which have a big impact on the growth of the baby. Here are 6 essential nutrients for pregnant women.

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is quite useful to get an ideal weight at birth and the lower the risk of premature birth. Vitamin C should always be consumed every day and this vitamin cannot be stored. Vitamin C is plentiful in most of the fruits and vegetables fresh.

2. Folic acid and iron

Pregnant women need to increase the intake of folic acid and iron. Advise to consume 400 mg of folic acid every day, for at least a month before and 3 months pregnant during pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects. Neural tube defects could affect fetal spine and skull. Folic acid contained in many green vegetables and beans. While a lot of iron contained in the beef and spinach. This iron produces blood reserves.

3. Calcium

Calcium intake is recommended for pregnant women because it has influenced the growth of the fetus and also dental dentition mother. Adequate calcium intake may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, which is a disease that causes serious complications during pregnancy. Addition of calcium is also necessary to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

Pregnant women need at least 1,500 mg of calcium each day. Calcium-rich foods such as tofu, green leafy vegetables and canned salmon can be a solution to meet the need of calcium every day. In addition it is also good to eat dairy products, and almonds.

4. Vitamin E

Pregnant women are encouraged to consume foods rich in vitamin E as much as 15 mg per day to help the body form red blood cells and use as well as muscle. Vitamin E is widely available in wheat, pulses, oilseeds, cereals and spinach.

5. Vitamin B1

Pregnant women need vitamin B1 at least 1.4 mg per day. It is important to increase energy and also regulate the nervous system. This vitamin is abundant in whole grains, eggs, rice, and cereal.

6. Vitamin B2

Of at least 1.4 mg of vitamin B2 pregnant women needed per day to maintain energy, maintain healthy skin and eyes. To obtain intake of vitamin B2 can be found in meat, dairy products, eggs and fish.

In addition there are many important intake for pregnant women such as vitamin A, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6.


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